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Assorted Protein Shakes

Protein Powder Guide

Assorted Protein Shakes

In this complete protein supplement guide, you’ll learn about different types of protein sources and which ones make the best protein powders. Read about why we need protein and how it helps us reach our fitness goals.

Health and Fitness History

Learn a little bit about the past.

Two Romans Preparing Pork - Health and Fitness History
Ancient Roman Nutrition
Ancient Roman nutrition among the upper class was fairly poor. Senaca reported the upper classes made themselves vomit at feasts Read more.
hockey stick of William Moffatt - Health and Fitness History
History of Hockey
The history of hockey, from ancient Irish fields to frozen Canadian lakes – learn about the hockey sports different cultures Read more.
Two Collar and Elbow fighters - Health and Fitness History
Irish Coraíocht (Collar and Elbow)
Coraíocht, commonly referred to as "Collar and Elbow," was a grappling sport practiced throughout Ireland for over a millennium. Read more.
Greek Dolichos (Race)
The dolichos was an ancient Greek footrace held at the Olympic Games. It was an endurance race of 18-24 laps Read more.
Heracles - Health and Fitness History
Ancient Nemean Games
The Nemean Games were a series of festivals that included even more events than the Olympic Games. Legends claim it Read more.
MesoBallPlayer - Health and Fitness History
History of Ball Sports
The history of ball sports, from ancient Chinese soccer to keep-away in Rome – learn about the ball games different Read more.
Indus Valley soapstone seal – Health and Fitness History
History of Yoga
Learn about the history of yoga, from its subsets in the ancient Eastern World to its worldwide revival as a Read more.
Episkyros Players - Health and Fitness History
Greek Episkyros (Ball Game)
Episkyros, like American football, required a lot of strength and agility. It was a somewhat dangerous sport, with occasional broken Read more.
Greek Palaestra
The palaestra was an ancient Greek athletic establishment for combat sports. It was a central icon within the life of Read more.
16th century bloodletting – Health and Fitness History
Bloodletting covers a broad stretch of history, notably from ancient Greece (and not ancient Egypt) into 19th century Western culture. Read more.
Carving of two wrestlers - Health and Fitness History
History of Combat Sports
The history of combat sports, from ancient Asia, to Mesopotamia, to Europe – learn about fighting, boxing, and wrestling across Read more.
Captain Cook Hawaiian Surfing Illustration – Health and Fitness History
Hawaiian Ancient Surfing
Traditional Hawaiian culture is rich with ancient surfing history; giant, glossy surfboards for kings, conditioned koa boards for commoners. Read more.
Compendium of Materia Medica Page - Health and Fitness History
Compendium of Materia Medica
The Compendium of Materia Medica is considered the most influential ancient herbal text in the Traditional Chinese Medicine community. Read more.
Medieval European Cuisine - Health and Fitness History
Medieval European Nutrition
Medieval European nutrition consisted of a ton of cereals, a lot of veggies, and a modest amount of meat. Due Read more.
Calcio Fiorentino - Health and Fitness History
Calcio Fiorentino (Renaissance Soccer)
Calcio fiorentino was an Italian Renaissance sport with elements of soccer and handball. It was popular among nobility, especially the Read more.
The Mesoamerican Ball Game - Health and Fitness History
The Mesoamerican Ball Game
The Mesoamerican ball game was a wildly popular – and deadly – spectator sport played among many Mesoamerican societies throughout Read more.
1819 Japanese sumo wrestler painting – Health and Fitness History
Japanese Sumo Wrestling
Sumo wrestling is a cultural Japanese grappling sport, born out of a mix between 18th century street fighting and Shinto Read more.
Two Pankriatists - Health and Fitness History
Greek Pankration
Pankration was a violent, unrestrained Greek combat sport with elements from boxing and wrestling. Almost no rules meant fighters could Read more.