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Assorted Protein Shakes

Protein Powder Guide

Assorted Protein Shakes

In this complete protein supplement guide, you’ll learn about different types of protein sources and which ones make the best protein powders. Read about why we need protein and how it helps us reach our fitness goals.

Health and Fitness History

Learn a little bit about the past.

Harpastum Player - Health and Fitness History
Roman Harpastum (Ball Game)
Roman harpastum was a combination of American football and keep-away. It was a fairly violent sport, with elements from wrestling Read more.
Native American Medicine Mask - Health and Fitness History
Native American Medicine
Native American medicine and healthcare was centered around balance in every aspect of life – physical, spiritual, mental, and environmental. Read more.
Heracles - Health and Fitness History
Ancient Nemean Games
The Nemean Games were a series of festivals that included even more events than the Olympic Games. Legends claim it Read more.
Aztec Maize Goddess - Health and Fitness History
Ancient Aztec Nutrition
Ancient Aztec nutrition revolved heavily around corn and maize, complimented with vegetables and a lot of salt and chili pepper. Read more.
Apollo - Health and Fitness History
Ancient Pythian Games
The Greek Pythian Games were held in honor of Apollo. They featured the same sports as the Olympic Games in Read more.
1819 Japanese sumo wrestler painting – Health and Fitness History
Japanese Sumo Wrestling
Sumo wrestling is a cultural Japanese grappling sport, born out of a mix between 18th century street fighting and Shinto Read more.
Ancient Egyptian Nutrition
Ancient Egyptian nutrition centered around bread, beer, and vegetables. Abundance of barley led to a diet heavy with all kinds Read more.
first association football game in Hungary (1879) - Health and Fitness History
History of Soccer
The history of soccer, from ancient China to medieval Europe – learn about football games of the past and the Read more.
Greek Runner - Health and Fitness History
Historical Runners
Health and Fitness History's list of the most historical runners, including the legend behind the marathon race, Pheidippides. Read more.
zeus statuette - Health and Fitness History
Ancient Olympic Games
The ancient Olympic Games were athletic festivals held to honor Zeus. The stadion sprint was the only event originally, with Read more.
eye of Horus amulet – Health and Fitness History
Rx, Prescription Symbol Origin
Rx, or ℞, is the symbol for prescriptions, used both in modern times and centuries past. The three theories as Read more.
Episkyros Players - Health and Fitness History
Greek Episkyros (Ball Game)
Episkyros, like American football, required a lot of strength and agility. It was a somewhat dangerous sport, with occasional broken Read more.
Hera - Health and Fitness History
Ancient Heraean Games
The Heraean Games were a series of festivals held in honor of the Greek goddess Hera. Only women were allowed Read more.
16th century bloodletting – Health and Fitness History
Bloodletting covers a broad stretch of history, notably from ancient Greece (and not ancient Egypt) into 19th century Western culture. Read more.
1906 rugby match - Health and Fitness History
History of Rugby Football
The history of rugby, from ancient Greece to medieval Europe – learn about football games of the past leading up Read more.
painting of kolf on ice – Health and Fitness History
History of Golf
Learn about the history of golf and its debated origins, from medieval Chinese and Dutch sports to the development of Read more.
Edwin Smith Papyrus Excerpt - Health and Fitness History
Ancient Egyptian Medicine
Ancient Egyptian medicine and healthcare was a dance between science and magic. Wound care, herbalism, and prayers all played a Read more.
rod of asclepius
Health and Medical Symbols
Medical symbols throughout the history of humankind have often featured serpents. More abstract symbols, such as the red cross, are Read more.