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Pottery: Greek Runners on Vase
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Pottery: Greek Runners on Vase

Greek Amphora With Painting of Greek Runners

Greek Amphora With Painting of Greek Runners

license: Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 Unported
source: Wikimedia Commons
author: Marcus Cyron

A Greek amphora bears a painting of four men running. They are nude, suggesting they are competing in one of the Panhellenic festivals or practicing in the gymnasium. Patterns decorate the bottom and top of the vase.


Artifact: late 5th century BC

Photo: May 2007


This 5th century BC Greek amphora was discovered in modern Naples, Italy. It bears a depiction of four men running together. Their nudity suggests they are competing in the stadion, diaulos, or dolichos event in the Olympic Games or one of the other Panhellenic festivals

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Greek Stadion | Greek Diaulos | Greek Dolichos | Olympic Games | Panhellenic Games


Miller, S. G. (2006). Ancient Greek athletics. New Haven: Yale University Press.

Swaddling, J. (2015). The ancient Olympic games. Austin: University of Texas Press.