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Terracotta Sculpture: Indian Wrestlers (Light)
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Terracotta Sculpture: Indian Wrestlers (Light)

Terracotta Sculpture of Two Indian Wrestlers

Terracotta Sculpture of Two Indian Wrestlers

license: public domain
source: Wikimedia Commons
author: LACMA

A photograph shows a terracotta sculpted relief of two nude wrestlers. The sculpture appears aged, and the face of one of the wrestlers has worn off. The wrestlers are framed by a floor, wall, and ceiling carved into the relief, with some details of the room carved behind them.


Artifact: 5th century AD

Photo: 2013


This terracotta sculpture from 5th century AD India depicts two wrestlers. It is likely this is intended to depict malla-yuddha, a form of south Asian wrestling, as this was the most widespread form of wrestling in India from the 5 to 15th centuries.

At the time of photograph, this sculpture was housed in the Los Angeles County Museum of Art.

Other Versions
darker lighting

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Malla-Yuddha (South Asian Wrestling)


Alter, J. S. (1992). The wrestler’s body: Identity and ideology in north India. Berkeley: University of California Press.

Draeger, D. F., & Smith, R. W. (1985). Comprehensive Asian fighting arts. Tokyo: Kodansha International.