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Stone Artifact: Chicomecoatl, Aztec Maize Goddess
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Stone Artifact: Chicomecoatl, Aztec Maize Goddess

Stone Chicomecoatl, Aztec Maize Goddess

Stone Chicomecoatl, Aztec Maize Goddess

license: public domain
source: Wikimedia Commons
author: Shonagon

A photograph shows an Aztec stone figure representing the mythological maize goddess Chicomecoatl. She wears an ornate headdress and in each hand she carries a basket of corn.


Artifact: 1325–1521 AD

Photo: April 2013


This Aztec stone figure represents Chicomecoatl, the mythological goddess of maize. As ancient Aztec nutrition revolved heavily around corn, Chicomecoatl was a very central deity. Tamales, tortillas, maize gruel, and other corn products made up a large part of Aztec citizen’s diet, though it was complimented by fruits, vegetables, and a conservative amount of meat. This reliance on corn products made maize a respected symbol within Aztec culture, and this mythological deity was the manifestation of that respect.

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Kiple, K. F., & Ornelas, K. C. (2000). The Cambridge world history of food. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press.

Coe, S. D. (1994). America’s first cuisines. Austin: University of Texas Press.