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Photo: James Naismith, Basketball Creator
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Photo: James Naismith, Basketball Creator

Photo of James Naismtih, Creator of Basketball

Photo of James Naismtih, Creator of Basketball

174 × 240
436 × 600  556 × 765
license: public domain
source: Wikimedia Commons
author: unknown

A black and white photograph shows Dr. James Naismith (1861–1939), physical education professor and inventor of basketball. He is holding an early basketball (a soccer ball) and a peach basket.


Photo: 1890s


Dr. James Naismith (1861–1939) is the man who invented basketball. The sport was his solution for an entertaining indoors activity for a particularly unruly class at the YMCA in Springfield, Massachusetts in the winter of 1891. Typing out his original 13 rules for his new game, he took a soccer ball and some peach baskets and introduced to his class to what would become known worldwide as “basketball.”

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History of Basketball | History of Ball Sports


Naismith, J. (1996). Basketball: Its origin and development. Bison Books.

Rains, R. (2011). James Naismith: The man who invented basketball. Temple University Press.