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Marble Statue Cast: Bust of Hippocrates
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Marble Statue Cast: Bust of Hippocrates

Bust Cast of Hippocrates

Bust Cast of Hippocrates

license: Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 Unported
source: Wikimedia Commons
author: shakko

A photograph shows a cast of a marble bust of Hippocrates. He is balding and wears short hair with a short beard. A piece of fabric is draped around his neck.


Artifact: unknown

Photo: 2008


This bust cast depicts Hippocrates (460–370 BC), a Greek physician widely referred to as the Father of Modern Medicine. He was one of the earliest influential figures in the transition from supernaturalistic to naturalistic causes in medicine, attributing diseases and ailments to things factors as diet, environment, and contact with animals.

At the time of photograph, this work was housed in the Pushkin Museum in Moscow, Russia.

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Ackerknecht, E. H. (2016). A short history of medicine. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press.

Bendick, J. (2002). Galen and the gateway to medicine. Bathgate, ND: Bethlehem Books.